Monday, October 27, 2008

Juvenile Diabetes-Walk for a Cure

This past Saturday, Braden and I woke up and drove to Inverness for the JDRF - Walk For A Cure. ACIPCO is a Corporate donor and we had a team that met to walk for this very worthy cause. Unfortunately, Josh had to go to drill this weekend, so he couldn't walk it with us. :( There were SO many people there!! A few Hewitt grads that I recognized too. I couldn't believe how many people made it, and from the looks of the various license plates in the parking lot, some people came from a long way to do this! Anyway, at 10:20 we started the +/- 3 miles. Me, already sweating, and Brady, comfortably jabbering in his stroller. Less than one hour later we finished our walk, and much to my surprise we ran into a very sweet Hoover cop, named Kenny Maddox, someone that I've been friends with for several years, but I haven't seen in almost 2 years! I was very happy to catch up with my buddy. Braden was just happy to be talking to the police officers. He loves the t.v. show COPS, so it's no surprise that he was happy to see them up close and personal.
As a side note, Josh will be going to drill (again) in Hoover this coming weekend. If he likes the Hoover unit he will move there from Tuscaloosa. It would be nice if he moved to this unit, that way he will be able to come home at night on drill weekends.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hair Cutting Time...

All summer long I've put off cutting Braden's hair. It was such a gorgeous blond color that was natural, yet somehow it looked like it was out of a bottle. People were constantly asking if we highlighted his hair (why anyone would want to highlight a toddler's hair, I'm not sure). I would run my fingers through his hair and brush it and fix it different ways. I loved it, but it was just getting too long. I didn't care that he looked like a little preppy boy, I was tired of spending almost as long fixing his hair every morning as I did my own. Well, Josh is the official hair cutter of the family, so I told him on Sunday that he could cut it.
It's officially the first time I've ever not liked how Josh cut his hair...

And I cried...

Now I need to see if we're going to have to reschedule our family portraits until Brady's hair grows back out some. I'm not blaming Josh, but I definitely will start paying someone else to cut his hair from now on!

