Sunday, February 21, 2010

February Fun

Well, it's been 2 weeks since I've blogged and I feel bad about it because there has been plenty going on! Josh came home on Valentine's Day and surprised me with a gift and a VERY sweet card. My husband doesn't buy cards, and so the fact that I got one for Valentine's Day was very surprising and he was so sweet... Brady and I also had a small gift for Josh for Valentine's Day. We also worked very hard to make a card for him. I helped Brady with a few things, but 90% of the card he did by his self, it was too cute. He did all the cutting out and all the writing (except I wrote "Dear Daddy") Here's a couple of pictures:

The day before Josh got home Braden & I went the World of Wheels with Nana & Papaw. Brady loved it! He had so much fun. And of course that means the rest of us enjoyed ourselves too. He got his picture made with SpongeBob and he got a new couple of Hot Wheels and we saw hundreds of cool cars.
As most people already know we also had a nice little snow that Valentine's Day weekend. We didn't play out in it too long, maybe 30 mins or so, but I did make sure I got some pictures.

Now, since Josh has been home we've been getting our schedules back on track and he & I are both back on the work out bandwagon. He's killing me, but the fact that he's a slave driver just insures that I get results. So far I feel better and don't hurt as bad after working out. I've got to continue to push myself to get results though. For the people that don't know, Josh and I have been carpooling and working out together since mid-January when my hours at work changed to 7:30-4:30. We worked out together about 2 weeks and then he had to leave for 2 weeks. Now he's been back one week and I feel better already! Josh of course has been working out HARD since last July/August...and in the last month or so he's managed to get down to a lower weight than I think I've ever seen him. Overall, I think his weight loss is between 40 & 45 lbs. Just wonderful! He looks so good too. He doesn't believe me, but I think he's just YUMMY. ha!

February 21st 2010-

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

-Morrie Schwartz

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Soccer time!

As usual, we're busy around our house! Our newest thing is SOCCER! That's right, Braden's going to play soccer. We've bought him a ball, shin guards, socks & paid his registration. All we need now are some shoes and pretty weather and we're ready to go! He's very excited. He loves kicking his ball in the house (he can't play outside because it's ALWAY RAINING ON THE WEEKENDS!) His buddy Ben is going to be playing too, so I'm sure he will love it. Here's the schedule:

Another good thing that has been going on is that we've been visiting with a new church. Dora First Baptist. It's smaller than GFBC, closer to home, my grandmother goes there and the preacher is really nice. It always makes me feel better after I go to church, and I can't imagine not raising Braden in the church. I always pray that God takes me where I need to be. For His glory.

Also, right now Josh is out of town. He's got Warrior Leadership Training...whatever that is. He's in Ft. Jackson, SC for 2 weeks. This was some kind of required training for his latest promotion in the reserves. BLAH! Oh well, at least he'll be home on Valentine's Day. I'm already missing him a lot.

Oh, and on a side note...I think we found one of Josh's old army friends the other day! It was a buddy of his that he was very close to and some how they lost touch right around the time Brady was born. We've been trying to hunt him down for four years. Yay! I know that Josh is really happy about it!

I hope everyone is having a great New Year and I'll update again soon.

February 4th 2010-

It's one thing I like about America - they respect the sportsman. They put them up on a pedestal. They don`t try to knock them down. And that`s a great thing, to be respected by the whole country. It`s so patriotic!

-David Beckham

