Monday, March 23, 2009

Working 9 to 5, & some weekends

It never fails to amaze me how busy our lives can get. Sometimes we feel like we’re being pulled in a thousand different directions at once, and we can’t find the time to sit still no matter how hard we try. That is exactly how we feel most weekends, and that holds true for this last weekend.

Friday, Kendall had her final basketball game. Braden & I didn’t get to make it, but they won! They officially ended their season with only 1 loss.

Saturday morning we got up and had pictures taken for Easter at the Botanical Gardens with Holly Allred. The kids did pretty well (they just don’t like sitting still for any length of time) and our friend Joanie and her little boy Connor showed up and got some pictures taken as well. When we left there we went to Taziki’s on Hwy 280 for some lunch, then picked up a few things at Whole Foods (I just love that store). After we got home we had to start getting ready for that night. Kendall & Braden were going to spend a few hours with Josh’s parents while we went to his sister-in-law Trena’s birthday party. It was at Sal’s Italian restaurant in Springville. There were a bunch of people there (including one of Josh’s brothers and 2 of his sisters) and a live band. We had a ton of fun. We left there late and still picked up the kids to drive the hour home and crash!

Sunday was only a little more laid back, we did some of our normal chores around the house and that afternoon Josh took Kendall to her first softball practice. Ohhh, what busy lives we all lead. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys some of the pictures from our weekend. I have attached below the links for the pics Holly took (if it requires you to use a password, just enter “candi”). If you’d like to have any of these you can always buy them directly off the website!

From left to right: Randy & Trena; Marilyn, me & Angie; the band; Angie; Josh

Mar. 23rd 2009-
I was thinking about how disjointedly time seemed to flow, passing in a blur at times, with single images standing out more clearly than others. And then, at other times, every second was significant, etched in my mind.
-Stephenie Meyer, Twilight, 2005

Monday, March 16, 2009

An Apple a day

Well, the last week has been somewhat eventful. Last Tuesday, March 10th, my grandpa (the one in Ardmore) had to come to Birmingham for heart surgery at UAB. They had to go in and fix a couple of holes in his heart, so I decided that I would feel better if I took the day off and spent it at the hospital with my family. My mom’s car broke down in rush hour traffic on the interstate Monday morning, so since she didn’t have a car temporarily, dad dropped her off at work and I picked her up around 7:45. We got to the hospital a little after 8 a.m. and to our surprise they had already gotten my Grandpa Reese back. Everything went really well, and around lunch time we got to go in his room and see him. He looked great! They found 70% blockage in two of his arteries that will be fixed at a later date and time, but luckily his surgery went wonderfully.

Of course, on that same day Josh was having trouble with a very swollen & painful foot. He went to the doctor and they told him that he had a staph infection in his foot (it looked AWFULLLL). On top of this, he had an itchy rash all over…mostly from the elbows down and the knees down. They didn’t know what it was, but Josh thinks he went through some smoke from burning trash while he was bicycling and someone was burning poison oak. No matter what, Josh was quarantined and untouchable for almost 4 days. The foot was so bad that they had to put him on mega-doses of antibiotics and they couldn’t treat the rash with anything but Benadryl and some cream for a couple of days…THEN they would give him a steroid shot for the rash. UGHHH! The doctor put him off work from Tuesday through Friday, and to make matters worse, Josh had to use vacation to get paid for the week. My poor hubby. He’s all better now, and the doc (Dr. Mohammed Ali is his name, and NO I’m NOT kidding. My friend works for him. LOL) said on Thursday that the tests came back negative for staph, so he’s officially calling it cellulitis. Either way, that was an awful infection he had…and it all started with a little cut between his toes.

So there is our “eventful” week (believe me when I say, I’m leaving several things out!!). This Saturday, the 21st we'll be getting the kid's pictures made with Holly Allred at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Hopefully, she’ll let me share some of the proofs on the blog. If nothing else I will post the link to her site some time next week so everyone can see the pics AND you can purchase some of your own if you’d like.

Mar. 16th 2009-
Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice.
- Bill Cosby

Friday, March 6, 2009

Winter today, gone tomorrow

Wow, Sunday was so much fun! I woke up that morning at 7:15 on the dot. I was the first one out of bed, so I looked out our window and SURE ENOUGH! IT WAS SNOWING! I woke Josh & the kids and then it was just a blur. The kids were impatient to get outside. I was trying to cook some nice warm breakfast before they went out into the cold…but it was a struggle to keep them inside. So finally we got dressed, ate breakfast & out we went! Braden loved it, Kendall was the first one to start building a snow man. The dogs weren’t too crazy about it. In fact, they didn’t seem too thrilled to go outside in it. Soon our neighbors Lindsey, Robert & Madison came over and we had a snow ball fight. It was so great! What was even better was that by 4:30 p.m. the snow was gone and the streets were dry. Winter in Alabama never ceases to amaze me.

Now here it is…5 days later. It’s 76 degrees and sunny. Gorgeous, actually. Time changes this weekend too, so it’s time to start the changing of the seasons. It will be daytime longer, it will start getting warmer. I love those mild seasons, fall and spring. Josh has drill this weekend, and Kendall is staying at her mother's, so it will just be me and Braden. This will be Josh’s first OFFICIAL drill with his new unit in Hoover. Finally he’ll be able to drill and still come home at night! Braden and I are going to ride our bikes (tricycle) tomorrow and see my Grandpa Reese in Ardmore on Sunday. Anything fun and exciting happens and I’ll be sure to update everyone.

I did need to share that they are doing lay-offs at Josh’s work today. I’ve not heard from him yet, so I’m hoping he was left out of that group, but I’m afraid this isn’t the last time we’ll have to cross our fingers and pray that nothing bad happens. Also, at this point it’s merely rumors…but ACIPCO is apparently discussing a 10% pay cut for it’s salaried workers. IF that is true AND it comes to fruition, then I will be leaning a little heavier on Josh to help support the family. That’s scary since we never can tell if he’ll have a job month to month. Keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. I know it bothers Josh, and it’s caused me a lot of stress and panic too. These are truly turbulent times. The best time for our faith in God to prevail. And it will.

Mar. 6th 2009-
Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
- James 1:2-4

