Monday, July 27, 2009

Party Animals!

We had so much fun on Sunday! Of course the days leading up to the party were busy, but Sunday was worth it! It was a lot of fun!! Braden got a new bicycle for his birthday. His first REAL bicycle. He looked like such a big boy on it. We couldn't wait for the party so we went ahead and gave it to him on Saturday afternoon. Of course, we were all so excited about the new bike that we then HAD to go to the park and ride our bikes. He's learning how to pedal, but right now he has to stretch his legs as far as he can just to be able to keep it going. He REALLY likes the braking function! Oh, and he thinks his helmet is cool too. He looked more like a little skater boy to me.

Sunday we partied at the Splash Pad in Gardendale and that was so cool! It's free, and it's chlorinated water and it kept Braden busy for the entire 3 hrs that we were there. We had so many people show up and I can't believe that we had ANY pizza left. Braden, Hunter & Ben worked diligently at opening the presents together. They were so cute! We're very lucky to have so many people who care about us. We're definitely blessed!

Well, tomorrow is the actual day. Braden will be four years old. I feel conflicted. I'm so happy that my baby is growing up healthy & strong and he's learning so much. He makes me very proud to be his mommy. Yet, he's not a baby anymore. At All... I know that God sent him to me for a reason, and I hope I make Him proud by how I raise my little man, but I just wish I could rewind time to hold him as a baby for a little while. And then maybe I'd like to see him taking his first steps again. Even at this very moment I can turn my head and watch Brady color a picture and I know that this too is another moment I'll never get back. I love Braden more than I ever thought I could love another person. I know that's cliche, but I also know that it's so terribly true. Every cliche thing about motherhood that your mom ever told you, yeah, it's pretty much the absolute truth and it's something you can never truly understand until you feel it for yourself. If you never experience it, you'll never realize what you've lost out on...Well, I'm going to get back to those moments I'll never get back and quit rambling and whining to everyone out there.

Tomorrow is another big day, tomorrow we turn four and we have to go visit all the race cars at Talladega!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blue Skies & Sunshine

Okay, I know I've most likely mentioned it before, but I LOVE summer. This past weekend was even better than usual. 80 degrees, a cool breeze, blue skies, sunshine...ahhh, it's so invigorating. Weekends like that are food for the soul! So, now that I've told you all that I guess I can share a little bit about our weekend.

Friday night, Braden spent the night with Grandmother. They love each other to the moon & back so I'm sure they had a blast together (some days I wonder if he'd leave me for his Papaw or Grandmother). The whole reason he spent the night though was because Josh, Kendall & I went to the 6:30 showing of HARRY POTTER & THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE! Haha, I think I love those movies (& books) more than Kendall, so it was a BIG treat for me. Unfortunately, we only average about 3-4 movies a year, so I was STOKED. It was wonderful, as usual...and also, as usual, not nearly as wonderful as the book.

Saturday was a gorgeous day, only marred by the fact that I had to give up the kittens. I had someone email on Friday about the kittens and we set up a time for me to drop them off at THEIR HOUSE. Now, these kittens were free and I'm still driving to Irondale and you don't have to do anything...well, I won't go into details but I'll just say it didn't work out. I had to make the very difficult decision to take the kittens to the Greater Birmingham Humane Society. MY GOSH it was difficult. I teared up, I really didn't want to let those little girls go. :-(

Then on Sunday Josh's sister got MARRIED! It was such a nice small ceremony and she looked so gorgeous!! She's now Mrs. Angie Tipton. I know she's happy and that really makes Josh & I very happy too. What a beautiful bride, I'll have to share a picture or two.

Alright, it's Wednesday and Brady turns 4 in six days, his Pirate party is in 4 days at the SplashPad in Gardendale. Now is not the time to reflect on the last 4 years of my life and how he's changed every single thing about me (for the better, I think). But I did want to mention it because I am overwhelmed with thoughts of Braden growing up... Braden Trace Moody, our little boy, will be four years old. Wow.

July 22nd 2009-
No man knows he is young while he is young.
-Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'll Fly Away, My Lord

What a week! Whew (as I wipe my brow)…It’s been so busy lately. I’ll probably forget to include things in this weeks blog because I’m sort of behind and I had several little things I wanted to share. Since that is the case I’ll just blog about what is first & foremost on my mind and something I’m sure several people reading already know about, because it’s their family too, but Josh’s grandmother passed away on Friday, July 3rd. Ruby Jo Moody was 84 when she passed away, and according to the pastor, she had one of the largest families in Blount County. Maybe he’s not from the area, because I’m here to tell you, people in the country are good at breeding! My dad’s side of the family was good at it too. We lost my Great-Grandmother in June 2007 and the size of gathering was easily comparable to Mamaw Moody’s. In fact when I reviewed their number of children, grand-children, great grandchildren & yes, even great-great grandchildren it was very close. My great-grandmother was 94 though, so she had a few years to watch her family expand even more. It’s amazing to think that I have a picture of Braden being held by his GREAT-GREAT Grandmother. I can’t imagine one day holding my great-great grandchildren. How awesome! Braden had his funny moment at the funeral, the pastor (very hell-fire and brimstone) was saying how “Mamaw died, he would die, you would die…we would ALL DIE!!!” And Braden turns to me and says “I’M not gonna DIE!”. It was actually quite hilarious. Anyway, enough rambling. My point was that this was one heck of woman who dearly loved all her little ones and left behind one heck of a family tree that loved her too. She was buried at the Moody family cemetery in Altoona, right beside her husband. Words can’t adequately describe what she must have thought when she finally went Home and saw her husband again. I try to imagine it and I’m sure I fail miserably. No matter what, I know that she’s where she belongs, and she’s happier than she’s ever been on this earth. But that doesn’t stop the people that love her from missing her.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. - PSALM 23:1-6

Top pic: Louneal Swafford (My Great Grandmother)

Bottom pic: Ruby Jo Moody (Josh's Grandmother) (Here's a link if you'd like to hear Alison Krauss sing the hymn - I'll Fly Away. It's one of Josh's favorites and a popular song heard at Moody family reunions, from what I understand)

I’ll blog about the rest of the last week and ½ later on… Wow, I may have more than one blog this week.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wet & Wild

There are so many reasons I love summer, but one of the biggest reasons is because you get play in the water. I love swimming, I don't even mind indulging in jumping through the sprinkler with the kids or going face first down a Slip N Slide. I love summer rains that you can dance in, and boats, fishing, snorkling (although I've never done it) all sound like the perfect way to spend a day. Then there is my first experience kayaking, which was yesterday on the Hiwassee w/Josh.
Around 4:45 a.m. I woke up at my parents house and got ready, met my hubby outside around 5:30 a.m. and we left to meet up with a guy he works with so we could all make our reservation time in Tennessee. We made good time and changed clothes, next thing you know (after signing a waiver) we're on the back of this truck driving about 55 down a narrow winding back road to our drop off spot. Everything went smoothly and we were on the water in about 5 mins. For the next 2 1/2 hrs we travelled down the Hiwassee at a relaxed speed. There were a few parts that were really fun, but nothing scary. From what I understand the parts that we were on are only Class I & II, great for beginners and families. Next time we'll take the kids because this was good for anyone. Of course, the temps may have risen to the 90's in the last month, but this river was COLD. Water temps were between 52 & 54. That's frosty! Anyway, it was a bunch of fun and I can't wait for whitewater rafting in August!
Our 2 person infatable kayak

Josh and I both love Chattanooga. I'm not sure exactly what it is about the city, but we love it. Unfortunately we always have terrible luck when we stop at restaurants in town there. This time we went to this great place called The Terminal. It was awesome. It's 4 stories, and the top level is a "green" balcony w/an ivy trellis and lights draping above your head. In wooden boxes that surround the outer areas of the balcony they grow their own tomatoes and peppers and such. It was a nice environment for an early dinner...UNTIL, at the table caddy-cornered to us was a group of about 6 yuppie types and one little boy about 3 yrs old (named Nicholas, we soon learned). At first it was cute how he ran from one side of the balcony to the other, obviously enthralled by every little thing that caught his attention. That abruptly ended when little Nicholas decided to throw down about 6 cars and trains right in front of me on our table. Now, obviously, Josh and I have children and we were very understanding of the fact that it's difficult to keep a 3 year old entertained and sitting still, but we could help being a tad irritated by parents that couldn't keep an eye on their child. Well, eventually little Nicholas was taken back to his table. This lasted all of about 20 seconds. Soon, he was running around the balcony again. Hanging off the railings and sitting down with random patrons, while it all went completely unchecked by his parents. Next thing we know a nice couple and their 2 young children are seated near us and Nicholas converges on their table for the next 30 mins or so. At one point I thought the mother was going to finally say something, but I don't think she ever did. During this time he almost sat in this ladies lap, crawled all over (and under) the table, drank from their daughter's drink and caused general chaos at every turn. His parents NEVER LEFT THEIR TABLE. They would gently call Nicholas to come back and he'd just ignore them. It was frustrating to the extreme. I'd already decided that if little Nick decided to stop at our table again I was going to HAVE to tell his parents to come get their child. At any rate I should have made a comment to them anyway. Right before these STELLAR parents left I heard the dad telling the boy that he should starting asking every person he saw if the had dollar bills and if they said yes to tell them to give them to him. Then he precedes to tell the little boy "here's a dollar, let's go get us another beer". WOW is all I can say. Last year we had a smart mouthed lady tell us how "mean" we were for popping Braden in a restaurant in Chattanooga, now this! Apparently there is a large portion of Chattanooga that doesn't believe in spanking, unfortunately it shows with their children's behavior.
Wow, that's just a soapbox waiting to happen...anyway, we're about to eat some ribs, pasta salad and green beans and go check out Thunder on the Mountain downtown. Happy 4th of July to everyone! Make sure you thank God & a veteran for your freedoms & liberties that you enjoy every day!!

